Wednesday, January 22, 2025

signature – Error signing Taproot transaction in BitcoinJS: “Cannot signal for enter”

I am creating a operate to ship BTC on the testnet utilizing the bitcoinjs-lib library. I encounter an error throughout the signing of a Taproot transaction, and I am unable to work out the trigger.

Right here is my code:

import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib';
import BIP32Factory from 'bip32';
import ecc from '@bitcoinerlab/secp256k1';
import axios from 'axios';
import ECPairFactory from 'ecpair';

const bip32 = BIP32Factory(ecc);
const ECPair = ECPairFactory(ecc);

kind UTXO = {
    txid: string;
    vout: quantity;
    standing: Standing;
    worth: quantity;

kind Vin = {
    txid: string;
    vout: quantity;
    prevout: Vout;
    scriptsig: string;
    scriptsig_asm: string;
    witness: string[];
    is_coinbase: boolean;
    sequence: quantity;

kind Vout = {
    scriptpubkey: string;
    scriptpubkey_asm: string;
    scriptpubkey_type: string;
    scriptpubkey_address: string;
    worth: quantity;

kind Standing = {
    confirmed: boolean;
    block_height: quantity;
    block_hash: string;
    block_time: quantity;

kind TransactionData = {
    txid: string;
    model: quantity;
    locktime: quantity;
    vin: Vin[];
    vout: Vout[];
    dimension: quantity;
    weight: quantity;
    sigops: quantity;
    price: quantity;
    standing: Standing;

async operate getUTXO(handle: string): Promise<UTXO[]> {
    const { information } = await axios.get(`${handle}/utxo`);
    return information;

async operate getTx(tx: string): Promise<TransactionData> {
    const { information } = await axios.get(`${tx}`);
    return information;

async operate broadcastTransaction(hex: string) {
    const { information } = await axios.publish('', { tx: hex });
    return information;

async operate sendBTC(senderWIF: string, receiverAddress: string, quantity: quantity) {
    const community = bitcoin.networks.testnet;

    const keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(senderWIF, community);

    const senderAddress = bitcoin.funds.p2tr({
        internalPubkey: keyPair.publicKey.slice(1, 33),

    if (!senderAddress) {
        throw new Error('No sender handle')

    const utxos = await getUTXO(senderAddress);
    if (utxos.size === 0) throw new Error('No UTXO out there');

    const utxo = utxos[0];

    const utxoTx: TransactionData = await getTx(utxo.txid);

    const scriptpubKey = utxoTx.vout[utxo.vout].scriptpubkey;

    const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt({ community });
        hash: utxo.txid,
        index: utxo.vout,
        witnessUtxo: {
            script: Buffer.from(scriptpubKey, 'hex'),
            worth: utxo.worth,
        tapInternalKey: keyPair.publicKey.slice(1, 33),

    const price = 1000;
    const sendAmount = quantity;
    const changeAmount = utxo.worth - sendAmount - price;

        handle: receiverAddress,
        worth: sendAmount,

    if (changeAmount > 0) {
            handle: senderAddress,
            worth: changeAmount,

    psbt.signInput(0, keyPair);

    const tx = psbt.extractTransaction();
    const txHex = tx.toHex();
    const broadcastResult = await broadcastTransaction(txHex);

    return broadcastResult;

(async () => {
    const senderWIF = '...'; //handle: tb1pnx3wn6yhtccqy9rml9emw8l4vkqnswfyz5wpghjd0ap3r002k9us8v0rgf
    const receiverAddress="tb1pmrqkqnql43a7usz407nkh2g5c5cndzzw20mhx3qwcp7kg92cycus0cu7ym";
    const quantity = 100;

    strive {
        const txId = await sendBTC(senderWIF, receiverAddress, quantity);
        console.log('Transaction broadcasted with ID:', txId);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error sending BTC:', error);

Error message:

Error sending BTC: Error: Cannot signal for enter #0 with the important thing 026794e53df94a78beed78fa9380f661ca13d0f72d1fc6aa04e5bb0a1233d9cfa6
    at Psbt.checkTaprootHashesForSig (/house/person/Paperwork/testbtc/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/psbt.js:854:13)
    at Psbt._signTaprootInput (/house/person/Paperwork/testbtc/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/psbt.js:692:31)
    at Psbt.signInput (/house/person/Paperwork/testbtc/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/psbt.js:640:19)
    at sendBTC (/house/person/Paperwork/testbtc/index7.ts:131:10)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:inside/course of/task_queues:95:5)
    at async /house/person/Paperwork/testbtc/index7.ts:147:22

PSBT information:


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