Hello Yep I do know I am a prat however I’m completely confused how this has occurred. So I’ve my ledger 24 seed phrase. No points there in any respect. However I arrange the superior characteristic on ledger I consider is known as bip39 which allowed me to have a hidden pockets connected to this new passphrase. Sadly and I’ve completely no concept how however after I kind in my passphrase the wallets with the cash in do not present. I wrote down every passphrase (I had two, sure one other mistake) and don’t know why they don’t seem to be exhibiting my pockets addresses with the cash in. I assume I made a mistake and did not write it down accurately or in no way however I solely ever use the identical passphrases so I both did a typo twice after I set it up or I’ve in some way forgotten them. I can see the pockets addresses on chain as I went into the alternate and copied the tackle and went to the explorer and the cash continues to be sat there. I can truthfully say I am baffled as I am not new to crypto both so very irritated with myself. Is there anyway I can get entry to those hidden wallets with out the passphrase? I’ve the 24 phrase seed phrase. Somebody on Reddit talked about Ian Coleman? Anyway I’m providing a small reward if I get it again. Many thanks

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