Saturday, October 5, 2024

bitcoin core – Verifying P2WPKH utilizing ECDSA

I’m attempting to confirm a P2WPKH Enter of a transaction. The steps that I’ve discovered:

I’m performed with verifying the PKH with Public in Witness discipline
I’m caught with the verification of the Signature(r,s) in Witness Area
I’ve written a python script to confirm the signature

Right here I’ve created the msg_hash which is simply the wTxID after which verifying utilizing ECDSA Python module

Python Code:

import hashlib
from ecdsa import VerifyingKey, SECP256k1, BadSignatureError

# Transaction information
txid = "47e49fb45d2940fd9e7a905cb76e42b51ce1e69d7b990ea3807e56d1c4bc8cd5"
model = 2
locktime = 0
vin = [
        "txid": "e221c00ae7e0f281186aba9ba95ba82decf4ed7fb9ca44cfaa55d8a565fa718a",
        "vout": 1,
        "prevout": {
            "scriptpubkey": "001402238ecb0e181baed0630e20c1d7792fec61ac51",
            "value": 935635,
        "sequence": 4294967293,
        "witness": [
vout = [
    {"scriptpubkey": "0014b89a44fbd1f9229fb3ff8c4c86d5bd7e77ef9a27", "value": 43000},
    {"scriptpubkey": "00142c9bcda388592e4ecae744e326a6c19a6cfca40b", "value": 889533},

# Serialize the transaction
serialized_tx = (
    + vin[0]["vout"].to_bytes(4, byteorder="little")
    + bytes.fromhex(vin[0]["prevout"]["scriptpubkey"])
    + vin[0]["sequence"].to_bytes(4, byteorder="little")
    + vout[0]["value"].to_bytes(8, byteorder="little")
    + bytes.fromhex(vout[0]["scriptpubkey"])
    + vout[1]["value"].to_bytes(8, byteorder="little")
    + bytes.fromhex(vout[1]["scriptpubkey"])
    + locktime.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little")

# Calculate the transaction hash (msg_hash)
msg_hash = hashlib.sha256(serialized_tx).digest()

# Extract the signature and public key from the witness information
signature_hex = vin[0]["witness"][0]
public_key = bytes.fromhex(vin[0]["witness"][1])

# Extract the R and S values from the signature
r_hex = signature_hex[6:70]
s_hex = signature_hex[72:136]

# Create a VerifyingKey object
verifying_key = VerifyingKey.from_string(public_key, curve=SECP256k1)

# Confirm the signature

if verifying_key.confirm(
    bytes.fromhex(r_hex + s_hex),
    print("Signature is legitimate!")
    print("Signature is invalid!")

The error which is displaying within the interpreter is:", line 57, in <module>
    if verifying_key.confirm(
  File "/Customers/yuvraj/", line 685, in confirm
    return self.verify_digest(signature, digest, sigdecode, allow_truncate)
  File "/Customers/yuvraj/", line 735, in verify_digest
    r, s = sigdecode(signature, self.pubkey.order)
TypeError: bytes.fromhex() takes precisely one argument (2 given)

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